01 November 2010

Capital's Fictitiousizing Mediation Works in Not-So-Mysterious Ways

The mere "negation" of the result of a (both enforced and surrendered) mass self-alienation not only furthers but actually enhances the social relations of that self-abstraction.

This is currently based in the exchange-value transaction of wage-labor for fictitious-values that both allow the falsification of any sort of "trade" based in real equity.

Without rescuing and building upon that inner kernel of truth held captive within all "products" of this self-disowning process, negation by itself only plays the role required by the Capital social relation as it cyclically contracts around its core contradiction: the inversion of self-ownership... direct, authentic, unmediated, and the building-in of false use-value for what it steals away as privatized "social profit and  property.

Self-affirmation is the recapturing of all that disconnected and severed "self", given up at the points of inversion: perception, inception, creation of satisfaction to dream, caprice, want, desire, and need.

The original is replaced with a substitute which has been drained of its stock of "use"-value, with card-boarded "fictitious"-value propping and/or deceiving it up until after the "trade" has been sanctified by protector-agents of the realm.

It leaves us with very little, however:

  • there is "use" held captive within every "commodity" form;
  • there is "theory" held captive within every "ideological" form;
  • there is [a kernel of] "truth" held captive within every "falsified" form where two sides are frozen into servile "opposition";
  • there is "subjectivity" held captive within every "characterological" form;
  • there is "revolution" held captive within every "recuperated" form;
  • there is a human being held captive within every hierarchical, capitalized, and 'either-or' form, or "role".

It is all that we have after the downward-spiraling "value" of our lives has been sold for a self-obsolecing survival.

Unless perpetual and eternal failure is how we wish to suffer our lives away, as mere substitution for and fictionalization of life, called a "lifestyle" (which is at best survived as a subservience to slow death (a.k.a.,"treadmill-ism", "rat race-ism", "survival-ism"), then, striving to find the [self-]affirmative point of departure (or subjective kernel) "use" which is held captive (re-presented and mis-presented onto and) within flat/either-or "choices" in any of the omnipresent prisons of this colorless and odorless terrain of substitutions and fictions, then, reaching for and building upon that small treasure - rather than only cynically praising its presented abuse - is our key to a massless self-ownership, and thus, to superseding the "all-ness of this nothingness" with generalized self-management.

Cynicism - that ideology of abstract negation -  front-and-center, is virally counter-revolutionary. Its embrace is surrender.

Conversely, expanding our subjective "kernel" to mutually-include and elevate other "subjectivities" is a social act that expands each elemental act. Taking our "selves" seriously is our greatest wealth that can be gifted socially. It is from there, "us", that we begin to make a world of the robust from this dreary one based in "equality" of selflessly-"correct" objects.