30 October 2010

SDS/BPP: Recycled Thugs Recuperating Another Movement

"Students for a Democratic Society: Organizing, Standing Up & Fighting.... This enthusiastic column on the recent new Students for a Democratic Society convention was written by Larry Pinkney, a veteran of the 1960's Black Panther Party." [from a post from theanarchistcommune Yahoo mail group praising the Online Journal ideological stench expelled by Larry Pinkney at http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_6508.shtml.]

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Every time that this phony re-release of a Leninist rendition of the original SDS comes around, we find fellow Leninists applauding. Capitalist cheerleaders always find mediating (from above and) between people and their grassroots movements an exhilarating "experience". Why? Running someone else's life is a sublimation for living their own. Why would a Leninist recycling of the 1969-1972 model of BPP and SDS be any different now? Actually, now, the warning label should have been enough, but apparently they cannot read and think at the same time. Tough trick when you have capitalist social relations to rationalize....

The cretins running both totality-fragmenting hierarchies are probably in higher favor now than in the late 1960s with the ruling class, as they both have hierarchy and the continuation of capitalism (only in a "rational" form) in common. 

Turds of a feather do flock together!

They both seek State "Socialism" which, like renaming MSP to TVP, is still State-Capitalism with stolen labor- and self-power concentrated in the hands of a Fabian few, who will ration out whatever they deem "rational": arrests, roundups, assassinations, censorship, force.

[The original SDS was "youth" organization to the early-1900s League for Industrial Democracy (with Jack London and Upton Sinclair as members) known as the Student League for Industrial Democracy.]

These rancid ideologues are the "new-and-improved" goose-steppers of "the Left", the  falsification of resistance... self-exposed by their abhorrance of direct democracy, free speech, self-management, and anything not following the authoritarian "line".

See the real history that all of these wanna-be Statist dictators (SDS, BPP, SDS-LC/NCLC, SDS-PLP, RU, RYM-I, RYM-II) all sought to suppress, along with any revolution not under their vanguardist (that is, trademarked) control:

The Truth About Those Wankers
by emma (April 10, 2001)

The Struggle Against Fascism Begins with the Struggle Against Bolshevism
by Otto Ruhle

The CIA Infiltrating the Left?
by Peter Myers (May 24, 2007)

MayDaze: Thesis on the Celebration of Alienation
by For Ourselves (with a new title and graphics by Lust for Life)

The Myth of the Party
from Anarchos (May 1969)

Listen Marxist! [ed: it would be more precise to rename this text as "Listen Leninist!"]
by Murray Bookchin (May 1969)

Anarchist Alternative to Leninism
by Workers' Solidarity Movement (2001)

The State and Counter-Revolution: What Is Not to Be Done
by Negation

Students for a Stalinist Society
by James W. Cain (1969-1970)

The Anti-War Movement Needs a Lemonade Stand
by Scott Loughrey (July 2004)

Perceptions of Militancy
by Jim Campbell, Nicola Santoro, Steve Izma, and Stu Vickers (circa 1980-1984)

Our self-reclamation and pursuant self[-expanding]-history must finally serve itself by burying these "elite" (along with all of their servile avant-garde and counter-revolution vanguardists) who delight in mediating-away the social possibility of mutually-inclusive wealth... formally eating dreams, human spirit, any real democracy, and the young!