30 October 2010

Critical Assessment of the "Neutrality" of Affectiva's Q-Sensor Technology

It's just a matter of time before Affectiva's "Q Sensor" is mandatory citizen "bling".

Unfortunately, this is neither "free" (and "open" as in a secured GNU agreement) nor "freeing" technology to the prospective "host" who will be the proverbial "guinea pig" ... the "Jose Delgado bull" (1965); the Ivan Pavlov "dog" (1927); the Kinsey "natural being" under attack by the pornography of the spectacular-commodity and its chief operating officer, "lifestyle"; the B.F. Skinner "Skinner box rat" and "pigeon" ... for the unified psychiatric and State policing of the wage-enslaved and debt-entrapped global populace. We see the effect with slot machines, punch clocks, computer games, voting booths... not so unlike the "renting of beer" or the well-studied and deployed use of human return-"attraction" to methamphetamine and "crack".

Contrawise, the still-free approaches of "zero-point" energy investigators (e.g., Beard, Keely, Bedini) are well-worth cross-research by "orgone" investigators... as that amorphous group are also studying the truly "free and freeing", albeit  "fuzzy" aspects of universal forces flowing through shapes, fields, and elements.

Affectiva's website suggests they are all-too-prepared to sell to whomever has the biigest sum cash, and for whatever purpose that entity might have in their mind for your mind.... Hey, playing the role of "scientist"-whores, they are "neutral" and cannot be bothered with "rants" about the all-pervading social reality: the current Capital-based rendition of an accepted-as-unchallengeable (historically, yet poorly-camouflaged) parasitic and virulent hierarchy.

Let's look at the top of the Affectiva hierarchy as it resides within the generalized hierarchy that surrounds both them and the rest of us "down here":

The Vice-President of Sales made his career selling Webex to Cisco, a company in bed with the NSA.
The Chief Technical Officer has worked on "expression recognition" technology, that lovable database-filling tech that spies on all pre-"terrorist" citizens from every street, external building, and internal wall corner. 

As Firesign Theatre said: "Ask the cop on the corner; ask the cop in the store; ask the cop on the rooftop; ask the cop in the woodpile; ask the cop that's knock, knock, knockin' at your back door." [Described by Wilhelm Reich as "character-armor", in "The Century of the Self (part 3 of 4): There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads", that is further proved to be intentionally invasion and effectively colonizing, afterall, it "black-inks" the ledger book's cost column of "external" surveillance and punishment-dispensing mechanisms, thus, allowing those State-extracted and "black budget" funds to be spent elsewhere for the ruling and parasitic psychopaths.]

Affectiva is a company, like so many, whose focus upon "neutrally"-produced tools exist solely for the "neutral" subjugation of humanity, treating every non-herdable instinct, emotion, and motion as something to be "neutralized" so that hierarchical herding, farming, and what-not may become "more rational".

Their Photoshop smiles smell like those on the faces of character[-armor]s in the tv series "Caprica", or on the "character" played by Richard Burton in the film release of Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-four".

Pretending to be "neutral" in an un-neutral world is complicit naivety or it is "evil" complicity.
Smiling does NOT hide the "Fabian Society" utilization by those "behind the curtain" whence the research goes out the door.

Note that it is likely a mind motion-and-emotion control process which ex-"Fabian Society" member, George Orwell, directly attacked in his "Animal Farm" book (as deceitful and delusional dictatorship), and in his "Nineteen Eighty-four" book, as the all-terrain mechanism voice, ear, and strongarm called "Big Brother".

Critically-vacant, and perhaps unsuspecting work, like performed by so many "scientists" whose research gets them fired or killed after it has been completed (or, will also be used against them in the end), is not dynamic "science", but a "science" frozen into preserving and serving a static historical apparatus that prevents human evolution.

In many cases, it is a self-bloated pride of an ignorance w/r/t social reality.

Those that separate Wilhelm Reich's 'political-economy of sex and psyche' from the application of those devices, under the manifested concentration of a mass self-disowning, do to Reich what "neutral science" cogs at HAARP do to the work and life of Nikola Tesla, let alone all the rest of us.

The "big ticket" areas for human colonization research are:

1) bio-medical telemetry and implants (way beyond the locator function of RFID);
2) electromagnetic frequency weapons (among other uses, affecting and controlling human brain neuroelectronics, and thus, emotions and motions);
3) psychotronics (applied psychoenergetics);
4) remote viewing;
5) Syntel (synthetic telepathy)

[from "Chemtrails, HAARP, and Mass Mind Control".]

Note that in the "Applications" section of Affectiva's web pages, we see a blended-in "sales pitch" to, and for use by, that "Big Brother" apparatus:

1) "ADHD"; this is not a "disease" but a deficiency and reaction to dietary toxins, and DISease with an environment that programs in/out behaviors fo make a machine-like "productive cog" for the social reality based in wage-slavery.

2) "anxiety disorder"; social anxiety, felt at the level of a flawed socially-programmed "persona", is caused by dynamic and real events which confront the rule over that social reality by a self-anointed and forcibly-entrenched "elite" few, whose response "update" to the "mass persona" (cf. Reich's "character-armor" within the reference of a "mass psychology") hasn't been effectively been implemented. As the satire-performance group, Firesign Theatre, said: "take him back for regrooving". 

3) sociopathy (unlike psychopathy, defining "what is social?" remains in the hands of a hierarchy bent on self-preservation;

4) "drug trials"; whether discussing the phony trials conducted by Big Pharma and the FDA revolving door heads sent in by Big Pharma, or in trials of drug users, where the pharmaceutical cartel is never held accountable for the pages of disclaimers they heap upon the public, we see "chumming" for the upper echeloners here as well;

5) "oppositional defiant disorde/conduct"; if this isn't a "disease" trumped up to define resistance to oppression, suppression, and repression, I don't know what is.

This "disease-of-the-day"-infected, surly, and unruly "mass", must be treated as human farm objects!

The "elite" must be dutiful to t\"the greater good" in crushing the irrational beast", because they are all that is rational, after definitions by "experts" have been bought and paid for....

This "mass" is daily squelched by the hydra heads of mind and body control. The big WWII experiments of State Welfarism, National Socialism, and State Communism are all being synthesized for the global project all three puppet regimes sought for their funding masters. Call it "One World Government", the "New World Order", "International Communism", "Global Nazification", etc. ... it's all about invasion, colonization, conquest, subjugation of subjectivity, and the rationing of the "human spirit" by those "who know best". Like a smiling Robert Young in "Father Knows Best" seen through the special glasses used in John Carpenter's film, "They Live", the social apparatus includes "science" just like it does media and other institute-exalted dispersants of population-generalized and power-centralized authoritarianism.

Like the CIA-created and sustained Al Qaeda, the attack is no longer "from over there" or "by them". Those days only reaped certain fears. Deeper and broader powers are been extracted from the manufacturing of pain and misery and fright.
Vampirism is real, just as are aliens and giant leeches: they manifest as leaders and are everywhere the outcome of surrendering ourselves to a thousand daily pinpricks, that kill more surly than the single blow of a club. [cf. Raoul Vaneigem]. A "slow" death and a zombified "life" are just what a parasite needs from its host:

1) global chemtrailing and effects of its additives;

2) pharmaceutical psycho-active drugs, knowingly unfiltered from, and thus intentionally recycled through, the public water supply;

3) FDA-approved use of aspartame knowingly acting as a catalyst to other "hydra" additives;

4) required metallo-organic nano-filament "antenna" used in HAARP's population brain-tweaking project, and the same pacifying "sodium fluoride" agent (added to public drinking water) manufactured by IG Farben that was used by the Nazis on their own people. Yep, a "blind eye" by "science" is made to order.

Apparently, the social "science" and political "science" folks NOT funded by Rockefeller weren't sent the memo of invitation to that meeting.... Coincidence, Affectiva-"detectable" and Lily-"treatable" paranoia, or social relations truth found via examining the realities of hierarchy enforcing its malaise and "science" down our throats before charging us for the privilege?

Does anyone have an assessment (or experiential guess) as to the cost of creating similar technology via reverse engineering, or is the still-unpriced device appear to be affordable.?
Is it what a "team" project's money-pool would better tackle financially than a funds-atomized individual?

Of course, the first "use" will be human abuse (marketing, military intel, police interrogation), so this may become an abducted and "classified" technology very soon, with any other research referred to as "terrorist", so any similar "freedom-oriented research would have to take place soon so that patent lawyers don't quell similar or counter-technology. [It will happen and Affectiva would probably die, or have you die, for the opportunity. Wards of the state, children as property, anyone in prison, in public school, on welfare, on unemployment.... I can nightmarishly see a neck-mounted or implant version coming out that has a built-in uplink transmitter and GPS sateliite-to-ground locator, within 10 years. "Saving our kids", "sexual predation", and "protecting the public" will be the engineered outcries that drive the general dispersement. Psychopaths will not register with the device but WILL be in charge of their use on the "public".]

I didn't see any data output, so if there is some, it is wireless and can be grabbed by someone with engineering savvy. They will most likely make the signal proprietary and unreadable to anyone who is not paying or is an unauthorized "special" customer.

My "political-economic" assessment may seem "off"-topic for "science"-oriented groups, but NOT inspecting that aspect is also a political-economic view.

The mirror may not show the parasite on your neck because it is on the inside!