I found this unsurprisingly exposing in terms of the core self-mediation that needs to become social knowledge in order to be superseded, if we are to see "generalized self-management", i.e., a lifetime instead of pointless treadmills called "lifestyles" which protect the self-evolving parasitism of wealth-extractive subjugation I refer to as Virulent Hierarchy ....
- you or your loved-ones take medications produced by pharmaceutical companies?
- you think we’re safe because those companies have conducted clinical trials on those medications?
- you think we’re safe because the FDA or AMA or NCI have signed their agreement that the clinical trials were conducted?
Then... you’re in for a shock.
Once "you gather yourself", please do the rest of your friends, family, and other contacts a great justice by sending them this expository information. It's time to non-mediatively - that is, direct-democratically - self-organize to "gather ourselves".
Don’t wait for the main-stream or even the "alternative" (well-funded by the same Virulent Hierarchy to 'appear' to be non-mediative) media outlets to "get hold" of the story, for a privately-monopolized or monopolized "publicly"-funded opposition exists only in the fairy-tale minds of those so funded, because it's their paid-for "duty" to suppress and/or distort it, just like the more researchable politicians in "our" US Congress (whose majority are "on the take" from vote-buying PACs) where the US Secretary of Agriculture, the "czar" of the US FDA, and of many others in positions of "public trust" who are not voted-in but are appointed from "team pools" like the Council on Foreign Relations, and/or those whore-pimps who regularly "revolve" back-and-forth between voteless/hierarchy-appointed positions in US federal and state administration posts with jobs high up in the cartels referred to as "Big Pharma", "Big Insurance", "Big Finance", "Big Food", "Big Energy", "Big Unions", and "Big Farming". They sleep together and use as their disposable "toys".
Their "official" truth, like their "scientific" evidence is as phony as the money their cohorts print at the [non-federal] Federal Reserve in exchange for huge interest debt to be paid to offshore banks who seize more of [y]our future and substance as republic-bankrupting and democracy-banishing payment unvoluntarily-extracted every day.
The goal is a return to the dreams of those at the top-of-the-pyramid"
"... depopulation of the commoners needed to eternally serve in the dead zones outside of high-tech drawbridges to underground, fortified, and privately-militarized palace-castles.... [sigh]."
In short, this globalized political-economic and "scientific" pyramid scheme, like Amway and all others, is a wealth-extracting scam, backed up by data falsification, sleight-of-hand, spectacularly propped-up "oppositions" (like "left" and "right", "Democrat" and "Republican", "conservative" and "liberal")and "events", choiceless choices, symptom-expanding "treatments", well-paid hacks, whoring apologists, and bill collector thugs.