02 November 2010

SDS as Formalized Brain Disease

I didn't ask for drone, I asked for an historically-accurate critique.

Starting off, SDS is better called "Students for a Stalinist Society"!
SDS... suppressed anarchists, Yippies, Situationists, and totalistic/wholistic critiques throughout its overt proto-Leninist history. 

Now we hear the same old song-and-dance pitched after a quick dumb-down and re-write of their recuperating history, with co-dependent cheers from plants in their "right on" peanut gallery.

Out of the woodworks come the crawl of Lenin-inbred parasites, screeching about this "new-found" glory they will bestow in everyone's name, upon them - the quantifiable masses they seek - like fanged used car salesmen hovering over a potential corpse....

The "Left", with signs supporting Stalin, Ho, Pol Pot, and Mao still wet... are now going to lead a gun-banned everyone to another paradise, or is that really just to another renamed  forced labor camp and adjacent killing field?!

"Old" or "New", the Left has nothing to do with the proletariat de-proletarianizing ourselves; they're recycled proletarianization, new-and-improved toxicity. 
Its "direction is circular just like its supposed "opposite", the "Right".
This codependence of flatlander circle-jerks is a stall while any real departure from Virulent Hierarchy's self-cloaking and self-evolving spiral digs deeper into humanity's neck and cellular make-up.

Yep, Capital is patching its holes at the assembly-line of its "pre"-workers, intending to manipulate student desires into a deaf, dumb, and blind army of state-capitalist ideologues.

Once again the "magic hat" coincidentally pulls up the two super-groups who have always served it well, SDS and BPP, who explicitly embrace:
  • the hierarchization over all grassroots movements (which fearfully might expand to a totalistic critique of daily life and hierarchy);
  • formalistic and Fabian elitism in terms of "what is?", "who is?", "how is?", and "what could be?";
  • the fragmentation of any resistance to Capital's core contradiction manifestations (the inversion of mutualist self-interest into servile/docile, mediated, disconnected, and Capital-agendized self-interest).
They are the self-anointed voice of you STILL AS Capital, putting band-aids its leperized property: you!

If you actually read real history and social critique, instead of these groups' mediated, sanitized, and self-inverting versions, Capitalism works in not-so-mysterious ways, and neither do its "rationalizing" state-capitalist agents.