01 June 2012

Beyond Eating Ourselves for the 'Nourishment' of Stasis and/or Its Owning Few

I would love to be able to countermand commands disseminated by a dualistic (and parasitically-centered) paradigm which powers the global neon sign saying that "kill or be killed" is all there is, that is, that for all lifeforms killing some other lifeform, to consume its "energy" as the only source of energy, is all there is.

I sense that if we open up the up=-to-now "free energy" concept a bit further so as to bypass the "food chain" enslavement of all life on Earth, which I now see as just one more lie in the "global pyramid scheme" mutually-exploitative 'all-there-is' process, passed off as "life" (fund-researched by, contorted by, and reported by powers of alienation owned by the "elite" (e.g., Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds, ad nauseam), is possible if ALL lifeforms unite against the persisting, manifesting, colonizing, policing extracting, paradox-freezing "Agents of the Realm" gift to the puppet masters of enforce scarcity, planned obsolescence, false dichotomy, psychopathic cannibalism, cynical atomism/Fabianism, reductionist dismissal, and mind-numbing/life-surrendering duality: suffering, misery, blood, flesh, pain, survival-"satiating" murder.

If there is "more to life" then there is more to to the term "more" to be asserted ,a nd implemented without guilt, merciless 'mercy', or today's pandemicized imaginationaless.

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