25 July 2011

Heat Index: Latest Hoax from the Global Carbon Tax Collectors


  1. lords-of-old pushed the hierarchy of landed-property as the basis of one's ability to speak, to rule, and to exist;
  2. anything on that landed-property was theirs and theirs to do with as they pleased;
  3. taxing anything thereon was therefore divined as "fair use";
  4. serfs born upon that land were considered as is a tulip bulb or horseradish root, being a "part of the soil";
  5. soil has no rights over propertied-land;
  6. serfs had no rights over propertied-land.
Feudalism was a system of:
  1. lords (royalists) who are born owning land;
  2. vassals who manage the land and its serfs;
  3. serfs who are born of the land.
The new globalists want a return to feudalism, but with the current technology that is already at their disposal. That technology is years ahead of what the "public" has ever seen. It is weaponized to prevent a change in ownership, to prevent any disparagement of the global hierarchization of humanity, to preserve the human hierarchy which once was maintained as feudalism. That hierarchical rule has been evolved technologically and methodologically. As the serfs have been "cultivated" as an owned crop. Their own evolution has been psycho-procedurally facilitated as alienated activity for the purposes of mediation-extractions. That is what a "live-on/live-in parasite does. Humans have been bred, farmed, and harvested. That is not enough. Blaming them for trumped-up problems, exhaling carbon dioxide, could be used as a mediation-extractive carbon dioxide tax. If their cultivated minds can be convinced that one element of the elements table is really a toxin to some divinized/reified concept called Life, determined by servants called "scientists", then surrender will have become a biochemical necessity for survival. To not pay the tax will become a basis for termination. Paying will be a lease of "life" as determined by the lords.

The lords of today will do anything that they see as "divinized", including using "scientific" data, instead or real data, by their servant "scientists", to redefine what they own today: the soil, the air, the water, the entirety of media, the catalog of human DNA, access to human knowledge, time itself, the human psyche. Their propertied world can be turned into whatever they wish, because they own it.

So, we see the data of global warming manufactured, the actual temperature turned into abstracts like "chill index" and "heat index", to replace actual temperature. That's ownership. That's class war.

That's a "fair use" reality substituted for a "human use" reality.

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