30 June 2011

Fallout from the Mouths of 'Agents of Misfortune'

"Humankind is now threatened by the simultaneous implosion, explosion, incineration, courtroom contempt and drowning of its most lethal industry." [Taken from Harvey Wasserman's passionate yet misdirecting article, "Fukushima Spews, Los Alamos Burns, Vermont Rages and We’ve Almost Lost Nebraska" at http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/06/29-1.]
The "most lethal industry" — core to an eternally-manifestion of hyrda-plicititousness — is generalized self-alienation. It is that which is also core to the critiques of Karl Marx, Wilhelm Reich, and Raoul Vaneigem.

This "Separate Power" — separated from the management of its human source by a system of mediation, as a consecrated and enforced separate power, evolves itself like a lethal and viral mime across the species and globe, expanding and consolidating into a monolithic Virulent Hierarchy). Its "subvertly- and overtly-thieving" acts of all future and other human power, exudes and excretes "on the cheap" trickle-down technology and "behind-closed-doors" weapons... actualizing the Jungian sense of "ghost", "monster", "alien", and "demons", that is, images of self and social disjointment. This inverting of subjectivity (where we act with and upon) into objectivity (where we are acted upon and at), is always "birthed" in our self-abortion, that is, "it" is empowered as we self-dispower.

It can be found in any process where selves are systemically and systematically surrendered, and where, therefore and thereby, one's unique and common essence is morphed into a "lifestyle" of enslavement, into an imaginary (that is, mass-manufactured and image-full) "self", where a colonizing and dis-awaring 'persona' is substituted for any self-determining essence. It is the loss of evolutionary consciousness to the con[sciousness] of the d[is]evolving.

The "imaginary" us is "weaponized" back at what's left of us to further extract and/or dispose of our lifetime, creative souls, and self-mastery possibilities by that which we have deified and reified to: our inverted and falsified "social" selves. At some point, we either die from some profit-perpetuating disease, are shelf-recycled, or are eliminated en masse as exchange-valueless resources whose very breath is redefined as eco-toxic by a revitalized Nazi "green" movement.

That we have not and do not formally and overtly rebel against the results of seceding our subjectivity is used to even sell inversions of "revolution" back to us, deepening the hole further. Direct action and democracy — misdirected, redirected, indirected — are "us lost to ourselves" and our "paradise lost" as one. We truly are caught in our own headlights.

Nuclear power, de-totalized into "the most lethal industry" is a moment of The Big Lie.

We all should know by now the intentional deceit in passing off fusion as fission, of pretending that solar energy isn't itself based upon fusion reaction. The "silence" regarding scalar weapons — capable of inducing drought and flooding, killing birds and other lifeforms with pulses, causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and poisoning water, air, and soil with its complementary "chemtrailing" — is loud and clear. Tactic: "Back against the wall? Lie."

Divert, derail, and disaware all movements towards class consciousness with fragmented social reality. That is the marching order of any "New World Order", whose deceitful "rescue" from its codependent irrationality is just an emergence from old snakeskin. Agents will be agents! "Good ones", apparently, use footnotes and media-hyped spectacles when speaking of symptomology.

The point of any current evolution, however, is to supersede all spectacle, all the "agents of fear", all deification and reification away of our self-powers. From deep within us, we call ourselves to leap from the abyss, to deal with these parasitic systems and processes with a transcendent finality.

We deeply seek and need to deal with the common "alien" cause: generalized self-alienation, its consecrated and walking-talking hierarchy of Separate[d]-Power, and all of its subservient hydra-monster slew will return to the realm of those pharaoh-izing and fetishizing them, with whom we shall strip of all extra-human powers, i.e., those stolen from a species over boundless years which currently bind us.

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