12 January 2011

A Theory of Chemtrails: "why", "how", "what"

At 7:45am this morning I went outside to lift the covers from plants that could get damaged by frost, and to get the new[biglie]spaper.

They exist just as surely as clouds and additives in food and water.
All the noticing of unwavering and even ludicrous denial by "beneficial" and "benevolent" government and "interest"-motivated Big Media should be trusted as the only trustworthy source, the only footnote that is not summarily propertized & trademarked, while the original is vaulted away from "public" access.

All the attempts to deny it by looking down at our feet bears the denial of our self-denial.

Above, there were 12 parallel "clouds" that stretched as far as I could see, all in a north-south dispersal.

Any "blue" sky will be "artificiality "overcast" at higher elevations than any west-to-east coastal clouds that come in during the day beneath them.

This occurred to me because very often after I see the trailing disperse, I can see commercial jets beneath that form-and-content of "cloudiness".

Jets do not fly at that altitude here.
The windowless disperser jets and drone variety do fly up there, with higher pressurized cabins or no pilots at all....
There are no drinks, snacks, papers, or meals served on those flights, however, it does cost us, and plenty.
How much?
That's a "secret"....

As I brought my potted plants back outside, I pondered how so many countries could be cajoled into spraying that takes place essentially everywhere and daily. That is one huge project.

It transcends the political differences so easily, so how was that accomplished and why? Afterall, the "who" of "who runs our lives for us rather than us" is an important aspect of the ruling "pyramid schemes" everywhere, whether disguised with one rhetoric or another. Authoritarians all deploy their own version of "the Big Lie" about how they are better informed than those whose lives they immiserate and whose power-extraction methods depend upon either brute force, mass slumber, or deluded compliance.

So, this is my current assessment based upon more than what I've read on one topic, and upon more than what I've experienced.

It comes from:
  • my "consciousness" or "mind's eye" (that totality of unseeable elements created by and within my brain;
  • my "gut" or mammalian feeling/sensing/premonition of impending danger to my self, my vicinity, my species... as also felt by fellow animals before... becoming the victim of a being, the psycho-predation of or meat-meal by something else... becoming the victim of a physical upheaval, such as a storm, a tsunami, or an earthquake;
  • my taught ability to use logos, the logics of induction and dialectical synthesis, available as "the human ability to create and use tools", upon all that I have tucked away in my memory.

Here's my hypothesis in connectible "dots" (or "premise realities") to which I draw my hypothesized "lines"):

What if....

  1. We all agree that most of us "down here" understand from first-hand experience from the half-truth-based fears of:
    • the dual-attack experiment-in-the-use-of-Hegelianized-dichotomy in attacking humanity with the codependent unity of Communism and Nazism before, during, and after WWII;
    • the "Red Scare" and "anti-McCarthyism embrace of Stalinism" that polarized and froze human resistance to scientifically-extractive hierarchy into two images of the same global authoritarian recuperation in the post-WWII era;
    • an alien invasion (tested by the British royals' agent, H. G. Wells, and later by the Roswell and other mediated "Big Top" spectacles);
    • the transcendence of instituted use of horror (where Hollywood became a mass fear dispersal center using films) launching "the attack of the Cancer from the Unknown";
    • the Y2K panic;
    • the 9/11 attack;
    • the attack of the emigrating populations that were seeded with lumpenproletariat and criminal viruses from previously-overextracted nation-states;
    • the personally-suffered "end of times" in 2012;
    • a celestial calamity;
    • etc..
    Once we agree that fear is used by a few on the many, we see a common pattern of deployment that uses fear, misery, horror (as a sense of impending misery, and at another level is used as a fear of our sensing of horror itself) just how fear is used to facilitate direct and indirect compliance, the world opens up as a fairly simple, albeit "locked", game, where the rules are very clearly and always "fixed" so that the results over time will remain the same, even though the apparent faces and modes/means will change. Nothing changes in our nothingness except its presence found in our very absence.
  2. A real or fictional "event" or "condition" is used to stoke the fire of fear within each nation-state, tribal (as in Aryan), geographic (as in EU), theocratic (as in Islamic or Christian), or blood-line (as in the "13" families' bloodlines), ideological (as in Masonic, Zionist, or Illuminati), "pyramid scheme"'s elite.
  3. The "ancient history" that is suppressed and savored by communication barriers as "in code", by sects (self-serving-only sectors of the species) as "a mystery", and by "political-economizing self-anointed elites" as "a core secret" tells us a common story of our past and where it vectors upon us again as "the future" is a global crisis of life, a mass life-extinction, a celestially-cyclic catastrophe, an all-Earthly crisis, a "Big Flood", ad finitum. All religions have tried to pass a warning on to us but its hierarchically-narrowed access has given only-the-few a chance of surviving IF they can enslave the rest of us into saving them without knowing that fact or why they are so secret about wanting to extract from us their very paltrified 'meaning in/of life'. Survival by cannibalization is deevolution if not being frozen [in fear] in time.
  4. The tops of all major pyramid schemes are told that if they wish to enter the 'pyramid scheme of and at the top of all pyramid schemes', then they will have to follow the rules.
  5. They are forced to comply or suffer political-economic consequences (assassination, toppling, embargo, no loans, war, HAARP attack, pandemic attack, etc.); they comply.
  6. Told that "the world depends on us", they actually may think that they are transcending their already-tainted role in preserving hierarchy and mass misery. No such luck.
  7. They are playing into the evolution of "pyramid scheme" (the consolidation of all more-local hierarchical formations into one global formation) which inverts the evolutionary scheme of humanity into one of subjugation bearing the weight of all that is extracted from them held by pharaohic 'aliens' way up there somewhere "at the top". The top is so far away that its distance creates but imagination to sometimes define their Earthly deification. We reify their essence in many ways (the elite, the Illuminati, alien control, deep-core Nazis, invasive Stalinists, Satanic creep, the totality of spies, the hand of Capital, etc., etc..

    Sure, all are true in a single sense, like the view of a single "blind man" assessing "the elephant" from a fragmented subjective perspective, but the totality of subjectivities has no power because it is the one common reality that all elites and schemes attack first. Public awareness, mass consciousness, generalized self-management... all are the enemy of Virulent Hierarchy. Access to human history and knowledge is the enemy of those "in the know" AS THEIR NEED TO REMAIN BUT A FEW. They are nothing, like us, if they do not keep us with the one nothingness that gives they delusion off being: our very history and possibility of evolving as a species.

    They all agree to hide reality, and to cover it up with a "virtual reality" in order to preserve their own psychic order in the impoverished universe. It is impoverished because a totality based upon all humanity contributing except as slaves to the universe has them and their self-bloated 'need for being' standing as guard over the impossibilization of that marvelous opportunity.

  8. We are told that we are the cause of all pollution brought on by Virulent Hierarchy.
  9. We are daily gassed with unconsciousness promoting, immune system enervating, DNA altering, and mind dulling combinations of additives that are also accompanying any real ingredients that will fend off the hydrogen cyanide and flash freezes of rapid changes in magnetic polarity brought on every 3600 years by Nibiru affects upon the solar system planets which inadvertently (colliding moons or magnetic affects) in the past may have turned one previously-existing planet into a ring of asteroids and dust.


Class society exists as a moment of Virulent Hierarchy.
Capital exists as the current (as in use-value of exchangeable-because-indebted-humans-as-currency) social relation of that Virulent Hierarchy seeking a continuation of its timelessness-for-us; the 'end of times' already exists! We sell our time to survive or indebt our future time to ensure the eternity of that mass timelessness. We have no time for ourselves. We only have time that is owed. We have even sold our past to "experts" once our present (as in presence) and future (as in leveraged) were no longer visible.
There is only a virtual "happiness" left.
We "eat game hens at a festival/feast with close friends" is really a "social network" that invents attraction and care via software code, and we pay.
The reality is us eating KFC and charred rats at a scrounging on an old orange crate with fellow wild-eyed carriers of delusion and internalized myth.

We are the already-dead feasting on each other.
We are sold vampire stories while sensing the masters of the virtual reality.
We are sold zombie stories while looking into a mirror.
We are sold alien stories while paying to maintain our alienation.
We are captivated with our self-maintained captivation.

The skies have no "blue" in sight now, just 2 hours after my virtuality was sprayed.
It is a memory, like human connection....
Barring that that gets wiped clean by the strontium, barium, fungi, and aluminum content of the non-bluing haze, I remember you, whether we have met or not, with a heartfelt urge to scream out my sense of OUR possible smile.