12 January 2011

Dial[ecticiz]ing Everything: Realizing the Universe Becoming Conscious of [Creating] Itself

Three wonderfully-exhilirating texts:
  1. The Right To Be Greedy: Theses on the Practical Necessity of Demanding Everything (HTML version; PDF version) (1974) [1]
  2. Crises of Nature: How Humanity Saved the Universe by Capitalist Crisis Studies (June 1978, August 1993, December 2006) [2]
  3. A Dialectical "Theory of Everything" — Meta-Genealogies of the Universe and of Its Sub-Universes: A Graphical Manifesto (December 2010) [3]

[1] How to transcend the trap presented by the authoritarian codependency of the "Left versus Right" — commonly-funded and co-dependent falsifications of social reality — and how to supersede both.

[2] Does it shock you that the "Small is Beautiful" and supposedly anti-Oil-Company ideology of "environmentalism" is being massively bankrolled, hence controlled, by THE BIGGEST OF THE BIG; that the "Zero Population Growth" and "Zero Economic Growth" movements — in truth, the "Negative Economic Growth" and "Negative Population Growth" ['Global Genocide'] movements — are being sponsored by those who continue to experience unprecedentedly big and accelerating "POSITIVE GROWTH" in their PETROLEUM PROFITABILITY, at the growing expense of the entire human race, TAXING the totality of humanity "WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" via their oligopolistic power to raise oil prices at will, without fear of anti-trust law enforcement by the governments that they have prostituted, and their human-species-suicidal power to suppress the development of 'petroleum-power-obsoleting' technologies, such as fusion power?

The "ecology movement" started out as a grassroots movements of the people against capitalist pollution, against the unchecked imposition of increasingly lethal, ever-mounting pollution "externalities" — "external costs" — upon a public utterly undefended by the feedbacks of capitalist market-place, by super-rich capitalist oligopolies, whose owners have turned the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of "representative-democratic" government into their abject whores, bought and paid for, lock, stock, and barrel!

But what grass-roots, people-financed organization can compete with these massively money-manipulated front-groups for the Rockefeller "invisible dictatorship"? We conjecture that such organizations, receiving such massive amounts of money, tend to succumb to the "strings" that are “attached" to that money. Such organizations thus become “Whore-ganizations", propagating their funders' "Party-Line". Even if the creators and/or the true leaders resist becoming 'Whore-ified' in this way, there are typically plenty of unscrupulous individuals hanging around such groups, who will enthusiastically conspire with the funders to oust those creators and/or true leaders, and to take over those organizations on behalf of the funders — drooling all the way to the bank!

Is it any wonder that the grassroots ecology movement has been perverted, by massive infusions of Rockefeller, etc. money, into a Malthusian, "People Are Pollution" lobby for mass murder in the Third World, and into the conduits of an incessant propaganda for public acquiescence in global genocide through the corporate-prostitute news organizations, in the United States, and world-wide?

This mounting global genocide has been carried out, initially, by servant-dictatorships of the U.S.-centered Plutocracy, and by that Plutocracy's proxy/prostitute states — for example, the State of Mexico, the State of Columbia, the State of Iraq, the State of Indonesia, the State of Sudan, and the State of Israel. But now, increasingly, as the Petroleum Plutocracy has secured its tendentially totalitarian grip on the U.S. political system, it is being carried out by direct U.S. military invasion and de facto annexation of other countries — Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

Does it worry you that the ideologies of anti-progress, anti-humanity, pro-genocide 'Zeroism' and 'Negativism' are being engineered by the core ruling faction of the super-rich?

It should, if you value your life, and the lives of your family members.

The whole critique of the ideology of the economy of zero-sum and the economy of the ideology of zero-sum is greater than the sum of the ideological pseudo-oppositions and class unconscious critiques of its parts. The time to think, view, and act differently is obviously upon us. Will you/we follow orders that appear "green" — viewed from the flipside of the same plutocratic coin — to the brink, just because recycling self-annihilation — mediated as "politically correct" by the only show in town — seems better than other subjugations.

Will you/we become more than "be the class-unconscious eco-slave you are allowed to be", daring to become the ecological expressor of, for, and by the biosphere? Capital's "mysterious ways" are no excuse for thinking, viewing, and acting as its human form....

[3] This multi-volumed book may accomplish, for Platonian, Hegelian, and [especially] Marxian Dialectics, at long last, what George Boole did for Aristotelian formal logic with his 1847 "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning", and his 1854 "Investigation of the Laws of Thought"! The book is in the form of a "coffee table" image-book, replete with diagrams,
and other "grams", in vibrant full color, lit up like a Medieval "illuminated