Membership is Lobe-dismembership
"Join the The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 for our WORKSHOP at the Left Forum on Sunday March 18th at 10am."Er, don't you mean "the Left-behind Forum"? Oh, and to clarify both sides of the false dichotomy, the "right" is "right there with them", holding their codependent hands around the proletarian throat.
—from the psycho-cripple, "FreetheCuban5 LibertadparalosCinco", parasitic[k]ally-attached to
Also, t'is but the highest form of narcissism to claim "popularity" without any of the "population" (other than the self-awarding proclamationist) being present. It exhibits, better than any book, the extremely-high ratio of sociopaths (conscience-less and narcissistic) and psychopaths (empathy-less and narcissistic) to all others (temporarily) near or at the top of and finding a "home" within Hierarchy and its ever-scathing downward glare. Given time, and like the overt cannibalism of Komodo Dragons, they will be easily-devoured by the more pathos-impaired as consolidation of abnormality rises to the defamation of all life-on-Earth via the generalized deformation of humanity.
As to the global dysfunction directly-integrtaed with these dysfunctionals — these "reptilian brain"-centrics; these "exo-medulla"-devouring zombies; these psyche-sucking vampires; these alien sums of our collective self-alienations — certain [inverted human] adages immediately come to mind:
- "There's no such thing as a conspiracy";
- "There's no place like [a disheartening] home...";
- "There's no such thing as class society";
- "There's no such thing as a vampire";
- "Home is where the heart isn't...";
- "There's no such thing as a zombie";
- "Happiness is a human heart on the skillet...";
- "There's no such thing as an Earth-walking alien";
- "There's no such thing as a global virulent hierarchy";
- "To me according to my needs, from everyone and everything according to my needs";
- "All power to the correct people — innately-knowing what's best for everybody and everything, at all times and in all places — not to those [freely-engaged] in [self-managed] social relations and [directly-defined] relations to self[-re]production".
And, mentioning that "proletarianization" is the form of persona[l] and socio-]cultural complicity maintained by all the daily-crippled found anywhere below the 'pyramid at the top of the global pyramid scheme' doesn't sit well with the recuperators of resistance to that scheme: authoritarian agents of the Realm, larval manager-cops — no more than self-deluded cogs with Pa Ubu powers — breeding-and-festering in the flat-and-flattening cesspool binarily-consisting of "The Left" and "The Right".
Hierarchy-rulers' Insatiable Bloodlust
Change is external and internal, thus, making it neither and both simultaneously.
It does not succeed while it battles on the terrain and beneath the rules of the hierarchy; it only births itself as hierarchy evolving itself through an "us" too slack to challenge totalistically and [w]holistically. Revolution seeks all because it is more rewarding than seeking less-than-all. It is dynamic so that it is not static, and thus, just another status quo. It is negentropic so as to not be a victim of its own entropy. It desires so that its needs cannot be "bought off". It wills itself to an elevated life with its existing "will to live". It uses the use-value kidnapped, hijacked, hidden, and lost in the powerlessness mal-created by alienated acts, whose power is wielded by reified actors (aka "aliens").
Disrupting 'what is', and affirming revolutionarily-different acts, behaviors, and social forms is the core of becoming 'what could be'. It is the difference of 'being' and 'becoming'. It is an unbecoming of things, a de-shelling birth from within a proletarian shell.
This de-proletarianization will be done by us ourselves and not done "to" or "on" us by self-anointed "experts" whose calls for "global objectivity" is a call for a war against and final solution to "human subjectivity". Their drone for meetings, direction of forums, and legislations of "what is and what is not in the 'social' interest" is in no way any different from their Capitalist cohorts. They are moments of the same falling into line; they are the same mouth of hierarch, speaking in a different 'tongue'. They are our own own self-disowning yelling at us with smiles. They are massage therapists whose table is in an oven.
The fact is, that all of the films, books, and other projections 'back at us' by our generalized self-disowning — as aliens, as vampires, as zombies, as god-devils, ad finitum — come at us as empowered lifelessnesses, as commodities, as taunting and/or dangerous unknowns, because we dispossess ourselves daily, that is, we surrender up our self-power such we are like cored apples, a protective skin and moisture-containing pulp for life-expanding seeds within — now, without these displaced seeds, just rapidly-deteriorating. We, as universal and dynamically-expanding [life-]forms of a self-universalizing life require all of the "core of life-replenishing seeds" to grow. We innately desire other life to enable our own. The darkness... the evil... the death... which demands our complicity has entrenched itself on Earth life-history, and if we are to further emerge as the universe which gave us life, then we must re-define ourselves beyond the context of "the pyramid" and its "best interests".
According to 'the organizing elite', we don't deserve the 'nothingness' of Capital social relations... we deserve it with an attached card signed "from your Correctly-attached Pals at the People's State".
No thanks!
"Choosing" within the confines of a "global pyramid scheme"-falsified "choiceless choice", with neo-parasites hatched forth from the same old mediative hierarchy running our lives for us — merely a hybridization (with new sales pitch) of the theocratic, tribal, royalist, bloodline-ist, state-bureaucratic, monolithic-corporate forms — leading us into some "gated" promised lands is less-than-nothingness. It's a "progressive" suicide.
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