06 October 2011

"Occupy Wall Street", like Everything Soros (such as Obama) is a Funded "Con"

The Bait and the Trap

The pseudo-opposition's role is recuperative, and worse, also "leads" to a slaughterhouse.... The manufacture of "chaos" has always been used to seed a planned crackdown by "order".

These groups of George Soros are not unlike the youth movement in Nazi Germany who rallied the population into brown shirts and goose-steps.

Assembly-lined "revolutionists" walk and talk. They react, protest, and riot when funded to do so. "Simon says..." becomes "Soros says...". These "revolutionists" have no minds of their own; their "minds" are owned by their funders... Rockefeller and Soros. Their mindlessness is an investment thwy are apparently unable to comprehend, and so, they delude their abject surrender as anything but spectacular, and do as they are sold.

Current Events, or, the Currency of "Now"

War is the only way out for those stuck in the job of running the USA, a ransacked and "spent" economy, for which the global elite have no further use. We, and the majority of the global population have been marked for "recycling" and the "Green" movement is ready to take us to the recycling centers which are already constructed....

Future "Bleak"

Next on their agenda, before war is declared against everyone, will be the nationalizing (which is none other than a finalization of the corporate monopoly of daily life) of energy, food, water, transportation, communication, and manufacturing. There will be a national ID card and a national labor union, both of which, like conscription, will be mandatory. The economy based on fiat money will be dumped and the rest of the world will attack to get payment on all of their useless debts. That should clean away 75% of the world's population, especially when pandemics, riots, and food shortages blend in with bullets and bombs. The elite will be smiling from within their underground bunker-castles, which also are already built and stocked.

Rockefeller owns energy and any opposition to its monopolized privatization, namely, frigid/impotent environmentalism, once a vibrant "ecology movement" before its "mowing". Now, the only thing it leaves are "green" footprints to his banks. He has grown passivity and delusion. Soros is harvesting it. Rothschild is aiming it at other groups for political gain and indebting all so foolish to fall once again for his "either-or" trap wherein he creates, directs, and owns both sides of the self-falsifying "choice".

Note how after a "cleanup" of the "Oakland Occupy" park infiltrated by the rent-a-movement and Soros' leadership clones, that his mayor is re-baiting the trap so that the troops coming home will have people to round-up, guard, and shoot. The plan is to collapse the economy, undermine all non-military manufacturing, and bring the world in against the leftover imperial shell to crush and imprison the American people as if they were "behind" the enslavement of the rest of the world. The colored revolutions" have successfully put anti-American forces into power who will do as they are told while also preserving the globalist influence when the USA has been destroyed. We are being set up like Germany was after WWII, when the Rothschilds feared that an impending unity between industrial and cultural Germany with resource-rich Russia would threaten their global empire plans, first launched by seizing the Bank of England and starting WWI, which indebted all participants to the Rothschilds' banks and munitions manufacturers. We are a debt-making, war-making, people suppressing and surveilling economy only. We have nothing to offer the world so it will gladly take banker money to "do us in". The carrot they follow will always end up in the mouth of a horse like Germany or the USA, pulling stolen wealth to Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Soros, and associated vaults. Always!

How the Roles are Played: George Soros; Koch hrothers, Bush I/II, the banks and Wall Street, Clinton I/II, Obama, etc.

What is a 'George Soros'?

See the puppet group of this sociopathic narcissist, "Nation of Change".

George Soros has been a prominent international supporter of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30 years. His philanthropic organization, the Open Society Foundations, supports democracy and human rights in over 70 countries. Born in Budapest in 1930, George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC. As one of history’s most successful financiers, his views on investing and economic issues are widely followed. This site is the official resource for information about George Soros.

Fine, if you also see Rockefeller and Rothschild as "saviors". The truth is:

Roger Morgan (December 27, 2010) in "Soros the Drug Lord: Pricking the Bubble of American Supremacy" says:

The wars in iraq and afghanistan pale in comparison to the domestic war against drugs, both in human sacrifice and economic cost. Every month over 3,000 americans die just of drug overdose.

We have 5% of the world's population yet consume 66% of the illicit drugs. The high school drop out rate nationally is over 30%, and America now averages 24th in the world academically.

The frightening reality is that the enemy, george soros, is in our camp, largely in control of our government and our media.

Soros, a Nazi collaborator who identified fellow hungarian Jews in 1944 so they could be sent to the gas chambers while he stole their personal possessions, then claiming it was the best year of his life, has no reservations about using his fortunes to inflict the disease of drug addiction on mankind in his quest to desconstruct America and establish a new world order, with himself at the helm.

If there is any hope for America to reverse the slide into the abyss, the government, must fulfill its primary responsibility to protect the people, by protecting us from soros.

A thorough investigation into the source of money in his off shore hedge fund would be a good place to start. We know about his subversive tactics in using the money to finance propaganda campaigns and corrupt politicians to legalize and proliferate the use of narcotics which weaken the nation and incapacitate people through addiction.

A weakened state with more people who are dependent on an ever enlarging government is part of his plan. If indeed, an investigation reveals he is and has laundered money for the cartels and illicit drug trade, then a cell next to bernie madoff would be in order, or revoking his citizenship.

Jim O'Neill (September 15, 2009) in "Soros: Republic Enemy #1" states:

The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. —George Soros

In 1944 Hitler’s henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country’s Jews. The Soros children were all given fake identity papers, and were shipped out to various Christian families. George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.

Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “the best year of his life.

Stephen Lendman (April 13th, 2011) in "Bretton Woods 2.0: Soros New World Order Conference" states:

"As a market participant, I don't need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions."—George Soros

[Neil] Clark explained that Soros 'may not, as sometimes suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his corporations and NGOs are closely wrapped up in US expansionism cannot seriously be doubted.'

... Both Soros and the Trots are pro-Globalization and anti-Globalization at once. Pro-Globalization because of a belief in "one world" - the unifying of all races, genders, classes etc in a world-state, which requires the dismantling of nation-states. Anti-Globalization in that the undoing of the nation-state's protectionist structures through deregulation and open borders (free trade in goods & services, free movement of capital and migrants across borders) creates inequality and insecurity. The dismantling of family structures has the same effect, leaving many people as isolated, unsupported individuals.

William Engdahl (November 1, 1996) in "The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros" states:

... what Soros means by 'open', is a society that allows him and his financial predator friends to loot the resources and precious assets of former Warsaw Pact economies. By bringing people like Jeffrey Sachs or Sweden's Anders Aslund and their economic shock therapy into these economies, Soros lays the groundwork for buying up the assets of whole regions of the world at dirt-cheap prices.

... George Soros is part of a tightly knit financial mafia---"mafia," in the sense of a closed masonic-like fraternity of families pursuing common aims. Anyone who dares to criticize Soros or any of his associates, is immediately hit with the charge of being "anti-Semitic"----a criticism which often silences or intimidates genuine critics of Soros's unscrupulous operations. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith considers it a top priority to "protect" Soros from the charges of "anti-Semites" in Hungary and elsewhere in Central Europe, according to ADL National Director Abraham Foxman. The ADL's record of service to the British oligarchy has been amply documented....

Joe Wolverton (May 03, 2011) in "George Soros Funded by the House of Rothschild" states:

Given the stretch and strength of the Rothschild web and the bottomless treasure chest at their disposal, George Soros and others determined to obliterate the Constitution are likely to continue their efforts for decades to come until the job is finished.

Brian O'Keefe (June 16, 2009) in "Betting the Farm" states:

Over the past few years hedge fund gurus like George Soros, investment powerhouses like BlackRock, and retirement plan giants like TIAA-CREF have begun to plow money into farmland - everywhere from the Midwest to Ukraine to Brazil.

Food, water, DNA, media, schools... the ownership of the new serflords is almost complete, and ready for the collapse that will usher itself in as all there is. Soros is the ssetup man, if the term, "man", is used liberally/loosely.

What is an 'Elite' within the 'Virulent Hierarchy'?

... a psychopathocrat, a flesh investor, a social parasite whose "image" becomes" proletarianized" as "needed" (much as a "couple" hobbles in a summarizing co-dependency), an owner of species, the nightmare from which comes global immiseration and enslavement, the true face of 'evil'...

What is a 'George Soros'?

... assigned as harvestor of social TweedleDUM-ISM....

What is a 'Koch brother'?

... assigned as harvestor of social TweedleDEE-ISM....

What is a 'Hierarchy' and what is its Implicit 'Virulence'?

... it is the "leader" whole greater than all of the assassinated, threatened, bought, paid for, programmed, and other [non-leaders] who are left after all the leaders award each other bonuese, statues, street names, philanthropy reputations, history book entries, university library plaques, and other self-aggrandizing blow-jobs....

What is a 'Manufactured Movement', a 'Rent-a-Mob', and a 'Colored Revolution'?

They are moments of the color of money, power, and ideology.... They are what "green" does to whoring "ecologists", what "red" state capitalists preach, and what "blue" politicos "recall" from [fantasized, self-deluding, spectacular] history "events" which they and their whoring co-ilk have written over social reality. This includes the manufactured dissent of a self-imagined individual liberty integration by the "Anarchist" movement and self-colonizing social freedom of a "Marxist" movement, as well as the daily scoff of pseudo-critiques divined by Situationists, Surrealists, and other psycho-emotional cultists. Recycling is not transcendent, and "qualitative" will never be "quantitative", just because one misspells it over and over as if it is.

What is a Locally 'Sweet' Politician?

What is 'Mass Movement' Controlled by Well-placed Funding and 'Mass Media[tion]', other than a Coup d'etat?


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