09 November 2010

The "End is Nigh" Began Long Ago; It's Built-in to Every "Beginning"

I think that it's less a "collapse" than a mass "extraction" of all available wealth.

IF global crisis is about to begin from a 26,000-year cycle that bombards us with gamma rays, and IF lead and gold are all that blocks gamma rays, and IF "black budget" chemtrailing is an attempt to block the effects of a predicted increase in gamma rays that has seen a 40% increase in just the last two years, and IF the "black budget" and elite building of underground shelters with food supplies, power sources, water recycling (using reverse osmosis, UV, ozone, carbon and other filtering) are being finalized, THEN we are truly fucked.

No revolution could save us with such a short period remaining before one or more cycle diverges, converges, begins, ends....

We are at the mercy of deceit, hierarchy, elitism, theft, save-yourself plots by competing groups, etc.

IF you do not consider the science passed on by ancient and dismissed societies — kept "unknown" to supress that human knowledge for a select few — THEN you had better know how to stop planetary and universal laws of physics, because no amount of ideological bloat and
delusion will save your ass... unless you can withstand any permutation and combination of one or more of the following "scientifically"-verified facts about the Earth, the solar system, and human pasts:

  • flash freezes (already seen in nthe Amazon less than 1/2 year ago;
  • 1000-foot high tidal waves generated by either rapidly-collapsing ice shelves;
  • 500-foot high tsunamis caused by volcanic eruptions when the Earth expands;
  • polarity shift;
  • magnetic increase/decrease;
  • continental "fast"-drift;
  • explosions of calderas or huge natural gas deposits underground when tectonics cause pressure, heat, and "rapid" plate movement;
  • rapid heat influx;
  • life-sustaining resource shortages in food, water, and air.

There is no one "myth" about one "crisis". The financial meltdown is being prevented only so that more wealth can be extracted by the survival-seeking few, who have the forewarning and who have and want more survival wherewithal.

We, on the other, may not bother so much with all the species-centric issues if true life is a "life force" that cannot be captured in just one species only, but which is "alive", dynamically, everywhere... "reincarnating" as itself in any form it finds comfortably-convenient and/or self-elevating.

That said, it will thus, not be considered a "flawed ticket" to get to the next permutation if we are to seize this hierarchy-demeaned species for that universe as a chance to rescue that universe's attempt to create a ["other"-expanding] "self"-conscious awareness integrated with a generalized self-managing negentropic presence. We as it, and it as us, may give it the "old college try"... better than sitting on our thumbs ever-waiting for the end and never defining a beginning.